Is there an easy way to say pandoc converter I wish to replace all my source codes in mediawiki article convert to an lstlisting environment on its Latex output?
At this moment, all my <source lang="c"> some code... </source>
environments are converted into something like this
\NormalTok{ some code \textless{}\textless{} }\DecValTok{1}\NormalTok{ \CommentTok{// set... \end{Highlighting}
Not only the code is completely unreadable but also my Latex distribution is not able to translate the code and is missing probably some packages.
I wish to have simply \begin{lstlisting} some code \end{lstlisting}
at the output with no additional changes to the code itself.
And I don't speak Haskell, believing there should be an easier way...
Solution was very simple. There is a --listings
command line option solving this problem as Sam Carter pointed out.