I want to install gcloud ssh component on Windows 10 Home in order to ssh GCE instances. But it failed showing the following message.
Your current Cloud SDK version is: 347.0.0
Installing components from version: 347.0.0
These components will be installed.
Name: gcloud Beta Commands
Version: 2019.05.17
Size: < 1 MiB
For the latest full release notes, please visit:
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? y
Creating update staging area
ERROR: gcloud crashed (Error): [('C:\\Users\\tafut\\gcloud\\google-cloud-sdk\\platform\\gsutil\\third_party\\funcsigs\\docs\\index.rst', 'C:\\Users\\tafut\\gcloud\\google-cloud-sdk.staging\\platform\\gsutil\\third_party\\funcsigs\\docs\\index.rst', 'symbolic link privilege not held'), ('C:\\Users\\tafut\\gcloud\\google-cloud-sdk\\platform\\gsutil\\third_party\\mock\\docs\\changelog.txt', 'C:\\Users\\tafut\\gcloud\\google-cloud-sdk.staging\\platform\\gsutil\\third_party\\mock\\docs\\changelog.txt', 'symbolic link privilege not held')]
If you would like to report this issue, please run the following command:
gcloud feedback
To check gcloud for common problems, please run the following command:
gcloud info --run-diagnostics
Here is the gcloud version installed.
$ gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 347.0.0
bq 2.0.69
core 2021.06.25
gsutil 4.64
i suggest you once uninstall cloud sdk and reinstall it again,sometimes most of the errors will get resolved through reinstalling .refer this documentation to uninstall.you can refer this documentation for installing it. and use any of this methods to ssh