In the example below which I found here [][1]
the formatter function takes the url as parameter coming from um column and use the link itself as the text for the link, I've been trying to pass a second parameter where the text for the link would come from another column, "name" for instance, how can I achieve that?
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
make_hyperlink = function(myurl,mytext=myurl) {
paste('<a href="',myurl,'">',mytext,'</a>')
df <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
country = c("UK", "US"),
name = c("BBC", "CNN"),
link = c("", "")
df %>%
gt() %>%
fmt (
columns = 'link',
fns = make_hyperlink
You can use htmltools::HTML
df %>%
mutate(link = make_hyperlink(link, name)) %>%
gt() %>%
fmt (
columns = 'link',
fns = function(x) sapply(x, htmltools::HTML)