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token introspection endpoint in ADFS 4.0

Is there any token introspection endpoint available in ADFS?

I am using the oauth2 configuration to get the token. I can verify the token in the resource server by jwks keys. I am able to check the validity of the token. but not the actual status. I was trying using the tutorial for checking the status. but I can't find the introspection endpoint.

This OAuth standard specifies that there will be one introspection endpoint.

I am not sure that https://adfs_domain/adfs/oauth2/token/introspect this URL is correct. but when I tried I got

Error details: MSIS7065: There are no registered protocol handlers on path /adfs/oauth2/token/introspect to process the incoming request.

can anyone help?


  • No - this endpoint is not implemented.

    You can see the list of available endpoints in the ADFS wizard / Services / Endpoints.