can someone please help me with getting real pixel coordinates for pdf begintext sections? I am using pdfbox to retrieve texts from pdf files but now i need to get rects sorounding that text sections/paragraphs.
$contents = $page->getContents();
$contentsStream = $page->getContents()->getStream();
$fonts = $resources->getFonts();
$xobjects = $resources->getImages();
[PDFOperator{q}, COSFloat{690.48}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{0}, COSFloat{633.6}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{cm}, COSName{im1}, PDFOperator{Do}, PDFOperator{Q},
PDFOperator{BT}, COSInt{1}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{1}, COSFloat{25.92}, COSFloat{588.48}, PDFOperator{Tm}, COSInt{99}, PDFOperator{Tz}, COSName{F30}, COSInt{56}, PDFOperator{Tf}, COSInt{3}, PDFOperator{Tr}, COSFloat{0.334}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{Pospremanj}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{e}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSFloat{9.533}, PDFOperator{Tw}, COSString{ i}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSFloat{6.062}, PDFOperator{Tw}, COSFloat{0.95}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{ ciscenj}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{e }, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSInt{1}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{1}, COSFloat{55.68}, COSFloat{539.76}, PDFOperator{Tm}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{Tw}, COSFloat{0.262}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{uoè}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{i}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSFloat{5.443}, PDFOperator{Tw}, COSFloat{-2.145}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{ zimslco}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{g}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSFloat{7.202}, PDFOperator{Tw}, COSFloat{-0.148}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{ odmor}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{Tc}, COSString{a }, PDFOperator{Tj}, PDFOperator{ET},
PDFOperator{BT}, COSInt{1}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{0}, COSInt{1}, COSFloat{6.72}, COSFloat{513.12}, PDFOperator{Tm}, COSInt{0}, PDFOperator{Tw}, COSName{F30}, COSInt{14}, PDFOperator{Tf}, COSString{}, PDFOperator{Tj}, COSFloat{2.751}, PDFOperator{Tw}, ...
i would like to get output something like PrintTextLocations function does for every word/character. I can get bottom and left coordinate, but how to get width and top coordinate?
PrintTextLocations: BT section gives you bottom left coordinates, you need to parse trough all words/letters contained in current BT block to get all other coordinates. First word height + BT bottom = top, max (left coordinate+width) = right, last word bottom = bottom coordinate.
i hope this helps someone...
Example string for a single letter:
string[32.94,35.099976 fs=8.0 xscale=1.0 height=4.4240003 space=2.2240002 width=3.959999]p
Extracted, parsed and prepared line:
32.94,35.099976 fs=8.0 xscale=1.0 height=4.4240003 space=2.2240002 width=3.959999
* Parse single word / letter element
* @param string $str_raw Extracted word string line.
* @param string $str_elem Element of interest, word, char.
* @param int $pdf_w Pdf page width.
* @param int $pdf_h Pdf page height.
* @param int $pdf_d Pdf page dpi.
* @param int $pdf_r Pdf page relative dpi.
* @return array
function createRealCoordinates($str_raw, $str_elem, $pdf_w, $pdf_h, $pdf_d = 400, $pdf_r = 72)
$stringstrip = array('fs=', 'xscale=', 'height=', 'space=', 'width=');
$string_info = str_replace($stringstrip, '', $str_raw);
$coord_info = explode(' ', $string_info);
$coord_xy = explode(',', $coord_info[0]);
$coord = array(
'pdfWidth' => $pdf_w,
'pdfHeight' => $pdf_h,
'pdfDpi' => $pdf_d,
'pdfRel' => $pdf_r,
'word' => $str_elem,
'x1' => null,
'y1' => null,
'x2' => null,
'y2' => null,
'fontSize' => null,
'xScale' => null,
'HeightDir' => null,
'WidthDir' => null,
'WidthOfSpace' => null,
// Left, Bottom coordinate.
$coord['x1'] = ($coord_xy[0] / $pdf_r) * $pdf_d;
$coord['y2'] = ($coord_xy[1] / $pdf_r) * $pdf_d;
$coord['fontSize'] = $coord_info[1]; // font size.
$coord['xScale'] = $coord_info[2]; // x size scale.
$coord['HeightDir'] = $coord_info[3]; // height.
$coord['WidthDir'] = $coord_info[5]; // word width.
$coord['WidthOfSpace'] = ($coord_info[4] / $pdf_r) * $pdf_d; // width of space.
// Right, Top coordinate.
$coord['x2'] = $coord['x1'] + (($coord['WidthDir'] / $pdf_r) * $pdf_d);
$coord['y1'] = $coord['y2'] - (($coord['HeightDir'] / $pdf_r) * $pdf_d);
return $coord;
-matija kancijan