I'm trying to make the same chart as below and wonder if matplotlib has a similar chart to make that.
The chart below is the result of the STM topic model in the R package
I have probs values using DMR in Python:
array([[0.07204196, 0.04238116],
[0.04518877, 0.30546978],
[0.0587892 , 0.19870868],
[0.16710107, 0.07182639],
[0.128209 , 0.02422131],
[0.15264449, 0.07237352],
[0.2250081 , 0.06986096],
[0.1337716 , 0.10750801],
[0.01197221, 0.06736039],
[0.00527367, 0.04028973]], dtype=float32)
These are the results and left is Negative words and right is Positive
Example of negative positive proportion chart:
It is possible to create something quite close to the image you included. I understood that the right column should be negative while the right column should be positive?
First make the data negative:
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([[0.07204196, 0.04238116],
[0.04518877, 0.30546978],
[0.0587892 , 0.19870868],
[0.16710107, 0.07182639],
[0.128209 , 0.02422131],
[0.15264449, 0.07237352],
[0.2250081 , 0.06986096],
[0.1337716 , 0.10750801],
[0.01197221, 0.06736039],
[0.00527367, 0.04028973]], dtype="float32")
# Make the right col negative
arr[:, 0] *= -1
Then we can plot like so:
from string import ascii_lowercase
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for y, x in enumerate(arr.flatten()):
# Get a label from the alphabet
label = ascii_lowercase[y]
# Plot the point
ax.plot(x, y, "o", color="black")
# Annotate the point with the label
ax.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(x - 0.036, y), verticalalignment="center")
# Add the vertical line at zero
ax.axvline(0, ls="--", color="black", lw=1.25)
# Make the x axis equal
xlim = abs(max(ax.get_xlim(), key=abs))
ax.set_xlim((-xlim, xlim))
# Remove y axis
# Add two text labels for the x axis
for text, x in zip(["Negative", "Positive"], ax.get_xlim()):
ax.text(x / 2, -3.75, f"{text} Reviews", horizontalalignment="center")
Which outputs:
You can tweak the values in the calls to ax.annotate
and ax.text
if you need to change the locations of the text on the plot or x-axis.