I have a type like so:
type Thing = {
name: string;
deliveryDate: string;
stuff: {
place: string;
datedContacted: string;
That I want to create a mapped type with the same structure out of like so:
type FormThing = {
name: string;
deliveryDate: Moment;
stuff: {
place: string;
datedContacted: Moment;
I'm looking at TypeScript's "Mapped Types" here: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/mapped-types.html, but their examples seem to mostly go over how to convert all the properties of a type to another, not a subset.
I've tried to create a generic typing like so:
type DateFields = {
deliveryDate: string;
dateContacted: string;
export type Form<T> = T & {
[Property in keyof DateFields]: Moment;
But it just doesn't seem to work as expected. Ideally I make it generic, so I can create a typed method that could handle the conversion of any sublevel of this nested object independently from T
to Form<T>
You can achieve this deep mapped type by first changing DateFields
to union of string literals, and then by creating a recursive mapped type
type Thing = {
name: string;
deliveryDate: string;
stuff: {
place: string;
dateContacted: string;
type DateFields = 'deliveryDate' | 'dateContacted';
type Form<T, Fields> = {
[K in keyof T]: K extends Fields ? Moment : T[K] extends object ? Form<T[K], Fields> : T[K];
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