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Xcode fails on Kotlin Multiplatform due to "Execution failed for task ':core:linkReleaseFrameworkIos'"

Since core is how we named the pod to handle KMM from Xcode, what the hell is linkReleaseFrameworkIos?
Everything worked perfectly before, but now my Xcode gives me error saying

Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:linkReleaseFrameworkIos'.

I tried:

  • Pod reinstall
  • Clean project
  • Delete derived data
  • Gradlew clean(success), Gradle build(failed), Gradlew linkReleaseFrameworkIOS(failed) commands

nothing helped.


    Bumped the ktor version to 1.6.1 and coroutines version to 1.5.0.
    They did not match for some reason.