I want to remove the user from an array of users once they disconnect (real time firebase).
For example: John crashed, so remove johns node and reorder the indices. Please check image.
let connectedRef = Database.database().reference(withPath: ".info/connected")
connectedRef.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
guard let connected = snapshot.value as? Bool, connected else {
self.database.child("\(groupChatId)_F/users").onDisconnectUpdateChildValues([ ??? ]){ (error, ref) in
if let error = error {
I am not entirely sure if it's even possible to do such a thing. If my intuition is true then please provide suggestions on how a problem can be overcome.
First off: arrays like the one you're using here are an anti-pattern in Firebase. I highly recommend reading Best Practices: Arrays in Firebase.
But aside from that: to update on disconnect you need to specify two things:
Say you want to remove a value/path at users/2
I'd recommend using:
self.database.child("\(groupChatId)_F/users/2").onDisconnectRemoveValue(){ (error, ref) in
This does mean that you need to know the path of the user (2
in this example code). If you don't currently know that path, you have two main options:
either to remember it in your code when you create the child node. So when you add "Bob"
, remember in your code that you added him in node 2
or you can make the path idempotent. For example, if you user names are unique, I'd recommend storing them in a structure like this:
"users": {
"Alex": true,
"Bob": true,
"John": true