Search code examples

Why do I get "RecursionError" implementing Binary Search algorithm?

I am implementing a Binary Search algorithm that returns:

  • In the case the key is in the list: True and the position of the key I am looking for;
  • In the case the key is not in the list: it returns False

Here is my code of the function: Bin_Search (A, l, r, key)

def Bin_Search (A, l, r, key):
    if l == r:
        if A[l] == key:
            return True, l
            return False
    mid = (l+r)//2
    if A[mid] == key:
            return  True, mid
    if A[mid] < key:
        return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
        return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)

But I am having trouble since sometimes it works and sometimes not. For example, implementing the function on the array A to find key = 14

A = [35, 21, 49, 0, 46, 5, 1, 14, 50, 34]
Bin_Search (A, 0, len(A), 14)

I get the following error:

RecursionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-174-380483777517> in <module>
     20 A = [35, 21, 49, 0, 46, 5, 1, 14, 50, 34]
---> 21 Bin_Search(A, 0, len(A), 14)

<ipython-input-174-380483777517> in Bin_Search(A, l, r, key)
     14     if A[mid] < key:
---> 15         return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
     16     else:
     17         return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)

<ipython-input-174-380483777517> in Bin_Search(A, l, r, key)
     15         return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
     16     else:
---> 17         return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)

<ipython-input-174-380483777517> in Bin_Search(A, l, r, key)
     14     if A[mid] < key:
---> 15         return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
     16     else:
     17         return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)

<ipython-input-174-380483777517> in Bin_Search(A, l, r, key)
     15         return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
     16     else:
---> 17         return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)

... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...

<ipython-input-174-380483777517> in Bin_Search(A, l, r, key)
     15         return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
     16     else:
---> 17         return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

Why do I get this error? Which part of the code I must fix in order that it works properly?


  • def Bin_Search (A, l, r, key):
        if l == r:
            if A[l] == key:
                return True,l
                return False
        mid = (l+r)//2
        if A[mid] == key:
                return  True, mid
        if A[mid] > key:
            return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
            return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)
    #A = [35, 21, 49, 0, 46, 5, 1, 14, 50, 34]
    A = [0,1,5,14,21,34,35,46,49,50]
    Bin_Search (A, 0, len(A), 14)

    ***BIG_MISTAKE : You should have a sorted list for binary search

    A = [0,1,5,14,21,34,35,46,49,50]

    You have mistake in if key is less than mid value you should search for left part instead of right.

    if A[mid] > key:
            return Bin_Search(A, l, mid-1, key)
            return Bin_Search(A, mid+1, r, key)