I want to mass generate PHPDoc on my Facade class without ide_helper.php
. How to generate it?
I've tried ide_helper.php
it's work for autocomplete. But in my case I want write the PHPDoc into my Facade class
Then in my Facade class will automatically written PHPDoc
From this
namespace AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Facades;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class ExchangeRate extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'exchange-rate';
To this
namespace AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Facades;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
* @method static array currencies(array $currencies = [])
* @method static string|array exchangeRate(string $from, $to, ?Carbon $date = null)
* @method static array exchangeRateBetweenDateRange(string $from, $to, Carbon $date, Carbon $endDate, array $conversions = [])
* @method static float|array convert(int $value, string $from, $to, Carbon $date = null)
* @method static array convertBetweenDateRange(int $value, string $from, $to, Carbon $date, Carbon $endDate, array $conversions = [])
* @method static self shouldBustCache(bool $bustCache = true)
* @method static self shouldCache(bool $shouldCache = true)
* @see \AshAllenDesign\LaravelExchangeRates\Classes\ExchangeRate
class ExchangeRate extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'exchange-rate';
I made my own tool to mass generate PHPDocs for facade laravel, check this out https://gist.github.com/ardzz/473f8b994714370b917d6232ce5146f0