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node.jswebsocketsocket.iohazelcast with Hazelcast

I have a nodejs application with cluster and I use hazelcast for scalebility. I need to add for real time messaging but when I connect to the socket on the worker processes, my client's socket object has lost.

I research for a while but I didn't find any solutions. There are too many examples with Redis but I cannot use Redis. I must use Hazelcast.

How can I share the sockets to every process and also every server with Hazelcast? Is there a way?

Node version:v10.16.3 version: 2.3.0

Thanks in advance.


  • Hazelcast provides you both pub/sub mechanism and in-memory caching on a JVM-based Hazelcast cluster and you can connect to cluster via Hazelcast node.js client. So, It gives an ability to manage and scale application via pub/sub topics and storing socket ids in a Hazelcast IMap datastructure.

    I can share an example pseudo-code for you:

    /* Assumed multi-instance servers are working and
    ** they are listening to the Hazelcast pub/sub topics. So, every
    ** servers can communicate via pub/sub topics and your other applications as well.
    const topic = await client.getTopic('one-of-socket-rooms');
    const map = await client.getMap('user-socket-ids');
    io.on('connection', (socket) => {
      console.log('a user connected with socketId: ' + );
      // assumed you have already userId
      await map.put(userId,;
      topic.publish('User with '+ + ' joined the room')

    If you can share a specific code piece, I can edit my answer according to your exact requirements.