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How to decompose a pointer-to-member in C++ (get class and member types)?

I have this scenario:

#include <iostream>

class SomeClass
    int _int;

#define DO_SOME_STUFF(ptr) std::cout << /* Print the typeid().hash_code() of the type which ptr is poiting to (int) */;

int main()
    int SomeClass::* ptr_to_int_member = &SomeClass::_int;

I want to know which type is ptr pointing at (which is currently int). Knowing which class owns that int is also useful (which is currently SomeClass).


  • You can do that with a "template trick":

    template<typename T>
    struct PointerToMemberDecomposer {};
    template<typename T, typename P>
    struct PointerToMemberDecomposer<P T::*>
        using ClassType = T;
        using MemberType = P;

    And change your code to:

    #include <iostream>
    template<typename T>
    struct PointerToMemberDecomposer {};
    template<typename T, typename P>
    struct PointerToMemberDecomposer<P T::*>
        using ClassType = T;
        using MemberType = P;
    class SomeClass
        int _int;
    #define DO_SOME_STUFF(ptr) std::cout << typeid(PointerToMemberDecomposer<decltype(ptr)>::MemberType).hash_code();
    int main()
        int SomeClass::* ptr_to_int_member = &SomeClass::_int;

    Defining a couple of templated aliases can make the code a little bit cleaner:

    #define GET_POINTER_TO_MEMBER_CLASS_TYPE(ptr) PointerToMemberDecomposer<decltype(ptr)>::ClassType
    #define GET_POINTER_TO_MEMBER_MEMBER_TYPE(ptr) PointerToMemberDecomposer<decltype(ptr)>::MemberType

    So you can change DO_SOME_STUFF to:

    #define DO_SOME_STUFF(ptr) std::cout << typeid(GET_POINTER_TO_MEMBER_MEMBER_TYPE(ptr)).hash_code();


    This technique is called Partial template specialization. The second definition of PointerToMemberDecomposer will be used when a pointer-to-member type is passed as template argument; And will catch new T and P typenames. using those new typenames; It will define two type aliases (ClassType and MemberType) so T and P can be used outside of the PointerToMemberDecomposer struct.

    When using PointerToMemberDecomposer; you should use decltype operator which acts like type in Python or typeof in C#. decltype(x) passes the type of x instead of x itself.


    As 463035818_is_not_a_number have mentioned; macros can be replaced with templated aliases

    template <typename T>
    using ClassTypeFromPtrToMember_t = typename PointerToMemberDecomposer<T>::ClassType;
    template <typename T>
    using MemberTypeFromPtrToMember_t = typename PointerToMemberDecomposer<T>::MemberType;

    But you should still use decltype while DO_SOME_STUFF is a macro instead of a templated function and we cant access ptr's type directly (see 463035818_is_not_a_number's answer for templated function version of DO_SOME_STUFF):

    #define DO_SOME_STUFF(ptr) std::cout << typeid(MemberTypeFromPtrToMember_t<decltype(ptr)>).hash_code();

    In this case; DO_SOME_STUFF can be converted to a templated function. But you might want to for example fill a non capturing lambda with macro arguments; which requires DO_SOME_STUFF to be a macro.

    Also, you might want to change ClassType and MemberType to type and create two separated structs (or classes) for retrieving those type aliases; If you want PointerToMemberDecomposer to look like C++'s standard library.

    For more details; see 463035818_is_not_a_number's answer