I have tried to git add a file. But when I check git status, the file is still marked as "Changes not staged for commit". I have read many similar questions and I have tried everything:
Still nothing seems to work
That is what it looks like:
Any ideas, what else to try or what I may have missed?
Thanks for any help in advance!
This whole _build/
folder is created, when I run jb-build systemtechnik-fuer-energieeffizienz
. It contains (mainly, besides some other stuff, like these .doctree
documents) the html output of a jupyter book created by all these jupyter notebooks in the nb/
folder (see here jupyter book). So it is not a submodule (in my understanding submodules have an own .git
folder, however, inside _build/
there is no such folder)
The output of git rev-parse --show-toplevel
git version
is git version 2.24.0.windows.2
the output of git diff -- _build/.doctree/SYE.doctree
just a blank line
the output of git check-attr -a _build/.doctree/SYE.doctree
just another blank line
This whole
folder is created, when I runjb-build systemtechnik-fuer-energieeffizienz
Then it should be ignored:
cd C:/Users/andre/Documents/GitLab/OER4EE_SYE/systemtechnik-fuer-energieeffizienz
echo build/>>.gitignore
git rm --cached -r build/
git check-ignore -v -- build/.doctrees/SYE/doctree
Assuming doctree
is a file, the last git check-ignore
command should return a .gitignore rule, and git status
should not display it, ever.
So it is not a submodule (in my understanding submodules have an own
folder, however, inside _build/ there is no such folder)
A submodule would not have a .git/ subfolder, but:
, meaning under the main parent repo own .git/modules