I downloaded J2ME plugins from here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javame-sdk-downloads.html
I can't install the plugins, this is the error:
Some plugins require plugin Java Profiler Core to be installed.
The plugin Java Profiler Core is requested in version >= 2.1.1 (release version 2) but only 3.41 (of release version different from 2) was found.
The following plugins are affected:
Java ME SDK CPU Profiler Snapshot Viewer
Profiler (Java ME Projects Support)
Please help me, thank you
First a couple of basic points:
- I don't know whether Java ME works with NetBeans using a JDK version > 8 so I first set the default platform for NetBeans to JDK 8. This step may not be necessary, but it definitely works.
- Do not download the NetBeans plugins from the Oracle page you linked to. Instead, use the approach detailed below to use older plugins which are compatible.
In NetBeans 12.4:
- Go to Tools > Plugins > Settings and click Add to add
as an Upgrade Center, then check the Active column for its entry.
- Click the Available Plugins tab. You should see four entries for Java ME. Click the Install checkbox for all four, then click the Install button to install those plugins:

- Next download oracle-jmesdk-8-0-rr-win32-bin.exe from the Oracle page you linked to, then run the downloaded executable to install the Java ME SDK to a location of your choice (if you haven't already done that).
- Add the ME JDK you just installed as a Java Platform within NetBeans using Tools > Java Platforms > Add Platform.... The exact steps are detailed in the update at the end of this answer to How to fix Netbeans 8.0 not detecting Java ME.
So Java ME SDK has been added as a Java Platform, and the older Java ME... plugins have been installed. The final step is to verify that you can now use the Project Wizard to create a Java ME Embedded Application in NetBeans 12.4:
- Select Files > New Project... and you should see a new entry in the list of Categories list titled Java ME Embedded. In the Projects list there will be a single entry titled Java ME Embedded Application:
- Click Next >, and you should see a screen similar to this:

- Set the Project Name field, and any other fields, as necessary.
- Finally, click Finish to create the Java ME project.