For some reason, sometimes, our Confluent Kafka consumer receives wierd messages on a specific topic:
"magicByte": 2,
"attributes": 0,
"timestamp": "1623227829187",
"offset": "11575814",
"key": null,
"value": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": []
"headers": {},
"isControlRecord": false,
"batchContext": {
"firstOffset": "11575814",
"firstTimestamp": "1623227829187",
"partitionLeaderEpoch": 5,
"inTransaction": false,
"isControlBatch": false,
"lastOffsetDelta": 0,
"producerId": "-1",
"producerEpoch": -1,
"firstSequence": -1,
"maxTimestamp": "1623227829187",
"timestampType": 0,
"magicByte": 2
I have consumed this exact same message multiple times even though I swallow all the errors and commit the offset even after failure.
It happends only on one specific topic. We deleted and re-created this topic from scarth and it didn't fix this issue.
In the following screenshot, we see that a message is empty while the other messages are not empty. What does it mean?
Producer - C#:
_producerBuilder = new ProducerBuilder<Null, string>(new ProducerConfig
BootstrapServers = _kafka.BootstrapServers,
ClientId = Dns.GetHostName(),
LingerMs = _kafka.LingerMsKafka,
SaslMechanism = SaslMechanism.Plain,
SaslUsername = _kafka.SaslUsername,
SaslPassword = _kafka.SaslPassword,
SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SaslSsl,
EnableSslCertificateVerification = false
Consumer NodeJs:
this.kafka = new Kafka.Kafka({
brokers: [`${}:${connectionOptions.port}`],
logLevel: Kafka.logLevel.NOTHING,
ssl: !!connectionOptions.sasl,
sasl: connectionOptions.sasl,
// ...
this.consumer = this.kafka.consumer({
groupId: this.groupId,
// ...
await this.consumer.connect()
await this.consumer.subscribe({ topic: this.topic, fromBeginning: true })
await{ batch }: EachBatchPayload) => {/* ...*/})
We are failing to consume the problematic message with ccloud: error - "panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0"
We are pretty lost. Any help will be great!
NodeJS: v14.15.4 KafkaJS: 1.16.0-beta.18
This issue happen on kafka confluent (dev).
The support team did not solve this issue.
By moving to, this issue was never reproduced again.