I'm looking to write an Applescript which will utilize BBEdit — loop through a ton of HTML files and autoformat them (so the indentation is easier to read).
So far I have:
tell application "BBEdit"
open {file "Macintosh HD:TEST DIRECTORY:testfile copy 2.html"} with LF translation
(format mode hierarchical)
display alert "Finished!"
end tell
This applies the transformation to a single file, but has anyone got any suggestions how to apply this to an unknown number of HTML files?
You've almost got it; the trick is that you want to loop through the files returned by open
. Thus, you need something like this:
tell application "BBEdit"
set docs to open LIST_OF_FILES with LF translation
repeat with doc in docs
-- format doc
save doc
end repeat
beep -- Or even `say "Finished!" without waiting until completion`
-- if you want your computer to talk to you
display alert "Finished!"
end tell
As you can see, all you need to do is place your formatting code inside this loop (and don't forget to save the files!); the loop will set doc
to each element of the list docs
in turn, and run the body with that element. If you're not sure how to select the files, one way is choose file with multiple selections allowed
; this will pop up a dialog box which will allow you to select as many files as you want. To use it, just replace LIST_OF_FILES
with (choose file with multiple selections allowed)