I am trying to clone data from NGRX store so i can edit them.
public stuff$: Observable<StuffModel> | undefined;
public editableStuff$: Observable<StuffModel> | undefined;
ngOnInit() {
this.editableStuff$ = Object.assign(
(this.stuff$ = .........
id === 'newStuff'
? of(this.newStuff)
: this.store.pipe(
select((entities) => entities[id] ?? ({} as StuffModel))
<ng-container *ngIf="editableStuff$ | async as stuff">
Problems is that i am getting error ERROR Error: InvalidPipeArgument: '[object Object]' for pipe 'AsyncPipe'
and dont know why. When i use <ng-container *ngIf="stuff$ | async as stuff">
it works but how can i make it work with editableStuff$? When i console log bot variables stuff$
and editabelStuff$
with JSON.stringify()
they are same.
You are using Object.assign
, that creates an object, so what you have now, is an object containing an observable. If you want to make a copy of an observable, a map
should suffice, so something like this (simplified):
this.editableStuff$ = this.stuff$.pipe(
map(item => ({ ...item }))
Where we use the spread operator to copy the item.