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Collecting all movie reviews from IMDb from certain dramas

I am trying to collect data from IMDb using python but I can't manage to get all the reviews. I have the following code that works but dosent give all the reviews available :

from imdb import IMDb

ia = IMDb()


output :

`{'data': {'reviews': [{'content': 'Just finished watching the episode 4. Wow, it was so good. Well made mixture of thriller and comedy.I saw a few negative reviews here written after eps 1 or 2. I recommend watching at least up to eps 3 and 4. The real story starts from eps 3. Eps 4 is like a complete well made movie. You will surely enjoy it.',
'helpful': 0,
'title': '',
'author': 'ur129930427',
'date': '28 February 2021',
'rating': None,
'not_helpful': 0},

`{'content': 'You can see the cast had a lot of fun making this Italian/Korean would-be mafia thriller, the sort of fun NOT experienced in Hollywood since the days of Burt Reynolds. Vincenzo contains a very absorbing plot, a cast star-struck by designer clothes, interspersed with Italian (and other) Classical music excerpts to set in relief some well written suspense and intrigue. The plot centers on, if we really are to believe it, the endemically CORRUPT upper echelons of S. Korean society. Is it a coincidence that many of the systemic abuses of power and institutional vice that constitute Vincenzo\'s Main Plot are now also going on, this very moment in the USA? It is certainly food for thought. A clear advantage this Korean drama has over mediocre US shows, however is a much softer-handed use of violence, resorting more often to satire to keep the plot moving as opposed to gratuitous savagery now so common in so-called "hit" US shows. So far, so good, Binjenzo!'``

I have also tried Scrapy code but I didn't get any reviews :

from scrapy.http import TextResponse
import urllib.parse
from urllib.parse import urljoin
base_url = ""
response = TextResponse(r.url, body=r.text, encoding='utf-8')
reviews = response.xpath('//*[contains(@id,"1")]/p/text()').extract()
output : 0


  • This should give you all the reviewer names from that page exhausting all the load more buttons. Feel free to define other fields to fetch them according to your requirements.

    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    start_url = ''
    link = ''
    params = {
        'ref_': 'undefined',
        'paginationKey': ''
    with requests.Session() as s:
        s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36'
        res = s.get(start_url)
        while True:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"lxml")
            for item in".review-container"):
                reviewer_name = item.select_one("span.display-name-link > a").get_text(strip=True)
                pagination_key = soup.select_one(".load-more-data[data-key]").get("data-key")
            except AttributeError:
            params['paginationKey'] = pagination_key
            res = s.get(link,params=params)