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How to retrieve all grand parents at once

I have two simple tables in SQLITE3 (family bonds):

"persons" (id, fname, lname)
"relationships" (parent/child)

I would like to get each grand children along with all their grand parents (from 1 to 4 of them depending on the grand child) so that 1 row result =

Distinct Grand child, Grand parent 1, Grand parent 2, Grand parent 3, Grand parent 4

Thanks to Caius Jard, I've been able to get each child and its grand parents in another star overflow question. However, so far I have:
1 line = Grand child, 1 grand parent (so it needs up to 4 lines to get all grand parents of a child).

SELECT c.fname, c.lname, gp.fname, gp.lname  
FROM relations p_c
INNER JOIN relationships gp_p ON gp_p.child = p_c.parent 
INNER JOIN persons gp ON = gp_p.parent 
INNER JOIN persons c ON = p_c.child

How could I edit this so that I get each grand child along with all the grand parents in one single row result?

If possible only using SELECT (+ count/distinct), WHERE (+in/exists), INNER/LEFT JOIN, GROUP BY (+having), ORDER BY.


  • Assuming there are four grandparents, you can enumerate them and aggregate:

    SELECT fname, lname,
           MAX(CASE WHEN seqnum = 1 THEN grandparent_name END) as grandparent_1,
           MAX(CASE WHEN seqnum = 2 THEN grandparent_name END) as grandparent_2,
           MAX(CASE WHEN seqnum = 3 THEN grandparent_name END) as grandparent_3,
           MAX(CASE WHEN seqnum = 4 THEN grandparent_name END) as grandparent_4
    FROM (SELECT, c.fname, c.lname,
                 gp.fname || ' ' || gp.lname as grandparent_name,
                 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY gp.fname, gp.lanme) as seqnum 
          FROM relations p_c JOIN
               relationships gp_p
               ON gp_p.child = p_c.parent JOIN
               persons gp
               ON = gp_p.parent 
               persons c
               ON = p_c.child
         ) cgp
    GROUP BY fname, lname, id;