Currently, I'm using this method to query all photos user's phone has:
public void setCursor(){
String selection;
String[] selectionArgs;
selection = MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA + " LIKE ?";
selectionArgs = new String[]{"%"+getSelectionArg()+"%"};
cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(
I wanted to allow the user to filter the query by file names, so I added selection & selectionArgs part. (getSelectionArgs() returns "" if there is no user input. It returns the input if there is.)
This method has problems when user enters "s" or "d" or "%". How can I sanitize this input so that doesn't happen? I'm not experienced with SQL and I genuinely need help, so please be kind.
Welp, nevermind. My code was correct, and s and d showing all pictures wasn't a bug like I thought it was. It was catching (s)torage/emulate(d)/0...