I have a Cognito user pool that has MFA set to Optional with TOTP only.
I'm trying to set up a page that enables MultiFactorAuthentication for the user for the first time following this AWS Documentation.
As my component mounts, I generate a QR code and show it on screen using qrcode.react
useEffect(() => {
Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser({ bypassCache: true }).then(user => {
Auth.setupTOTP(user).then(code => {
const authCode = "otpauth://totp/AWSCognito:" + user.username + "?secret=" + code + "&issuer=ivt";
}, []);
Then, when the user puts the input, I verify it and call the setPrefferredMFA. Now here, I checked if "input" is correctly passed and no issues there.
const setupMFA = input => {
Auth.setupTOTP(user).then(() => {
Auth.verifyTotpToken(user, input)
.then(() => {
Auth.setPreferredMFA(user, "TOTP").then(() => {
.catch(e => {
// Token is not verified
I'm still getting Code mismatch and fail enable Software Token MFA error and failing to set a MFA to the user.
I solved it.
Auth.verifyTotpToken() is not supposed to be in the .then() block of setupTOTP.
Pfft. Removing the Auth.setupTOTP in the setupMFA function made it work.