Starting from the vector:
vector <- c("alfa", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon")
I would like to create an Excel file with the name of sheet1 = alfa, the name of sheet2 = beta, etc.
Is there a way?
Actually, I need to export multiple dataframes in an .xlsx format and I use the package "writexl" and these instructions:
sheets <- list("sheet1Name" = dataframe1, "sheet2Name" = dataframe2)
write_xlsx(sheets, "data.xlsx")
but I have to write the "sheet*Name" manually, and I have more than 100 sheets... For this reason I would like to take their names from a vector.
We could just use setNames
or assign the names
with the vector
sheets <- mget(ls(pattern = '^dataframe\\d+$'))
names(sheets) <- vector