I have MATLAB code as below:
clear all;
A=[1 0 3;4 3 0;5 10 3]
I want to find index row and index column of the minimum value matrix A in 2nd until 3rd row and 2nd column. Manually, we can find the minimum value is 3 with index row=2 and index column=2 (see below image)
But my problem if I use code above, the result is not same. Anyone can help me?
Since you are inputting the column index so there is no need to find that again. The better approach would be to just do:
col_ind = 2;
[minimum, row_ind] = min(A(2:3,col_ind));
row_ind = row_ind+1; %1 is added since first row is skipped in above line
In your code,
A(2:3, 2)
has only 1 column. So columns
will always be 1
is also the same as the minimum value, your code will return the row index of that first value.Fixing above problems:
rows=rows+1; columns=columns+1;