Such a problem: I write text in a TextField, for example, a ДОМИК , and when I go through the button (it did not get into the frame) to the main screen -> menu -> Add. Then this text is saved.
What I tried: 1 - do not save to coredata - the text remains anyway. 2-using print, I output a list where I store the textfield. The first time before entering it shows [] an empty array, and when I go through the controllers again to this screen, it shows nothing. As if the screen is not readable.
I need after each click on the menu-an updated controller, that is, an empty one, without a user-filled UITextField
func didSelect(menuItem: MenuViewController.MenuOptions) {
toggleMenu { [weak self] in
switch menuItem {
case .home:
case .calendarPay:
case .statistics:
case .addProperty:
case .settings:
func addProperty() {
let vc = addVC
vc.view.frame = view.frame
vc.didMove(toParent: self)
vc.delegate = homeVC
Try adjusting the code:
func addProperty() {
let vc = "you addVC".init()