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Select element inline with text

I want to select an element that is inside a parent , sourrounded by text (and than an element that isn't), for instance:

Lorem Ipsum
<img src="..."><!-- <<< Select this-->
dolor sit amet
<img src=""><!-- <<< not this-->

My basic idea is to make single emojis bigger and set emojis inline with text to 1rem (in a chat application, as WhatsApp, Signal, Discord... do).

I'm using Twemoji, so emojis get translated to images

:only-child() won't work for me since text doesn't count as an additional child


  • It seems this is not possible without changing your markup or using JavaScript. I found many questions matching your own, none with solutions.

    Is there a CSS selector for the first child, taking text nodes into account?

    Only child in CSS with a text sibling

    CSS selector for only child, including text

    CSS: first-child selector including text nodes

    CSS element child vs child with text node

    How to use CSS first-child but excluding text content