How do I do comments in ply. I am making an interpreter in PLY called calico. One problem I am experiencing is comments. They should look like \\\\this\\\\
. However, I have some trouble implementing them. Here is the calico source code
\\inheritance and polymorphism\\;
public class Main(){
public static main() {
println("test"); \\hello world\\;
me = class Person(11, "a", "b", "11/09/09"); \\objects\\;
println(me.get_details());; \\encapsulation\\;
me2 = class Employee(11, "a", "b", "11/09/09", "n", "11/09/35", 1000)
The comment token should look like this \\\\inheritance and polymorphism\\\\
but instead it looks like this \\inheritance and polymorphism\\;public class Main(){ public static main() { println...
I have tried to do it like this t_COMMENT = r"\\\\.*\\\\"
but that has not work I have also tried it like this
def t_COMMENT(t):
I recommend that you test your regex separately, in a standalone website like
Here is a link to the regex described below.
I tested this string to declare comments:
And I was able to get three matches for
\\ a multiline
comment \\
print (a)
\\inheritance and polymorphism\\;print ("ab");\\b\\;print("end")
\\ a multiline
comment \\
\\inheritance and polymorphism\\
According to regex101, it needs the doubled backslash because
\ matches the character \ literally (case sensitive)
According to regex101, it needs the (.|\n)*?
2nd Capturing Group (.|\n)*?
*? matches the previous token between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy)