I want to implement a progress bar in my code, but neither the old nor the new way of implementation is working.
How to add progress bar?
this fix dosen't work in the latest version.
Here is the latest documentation
from pytube import YouTube
yt = YouTube(url)
yt.register_on_progress_callback(show_progress_bar)#by commenting this line code works fine but no progress bar is displyed
def show_progress_bar(stream, _chunk, _file_handle, bytes_remaining):
current = ((stream.filesize - bytes_remaining)/stream.filesize)
percent = ('{0:.1f}').format(current*100)
progress = int(50*current)
status = '█' * progress + '-' * (50 - progress)
sys.stdout.write(' ↳ |{bar}| {percent}%\r'.format(bar=status, percent=percent))
You first need to define the progress bar function, say progress_function
def progress_function(chunk, file_handle, bytes_remaining):
global filesize
current = ((filesize - bytes_remaining)/filesize)
percent = ('{0:.1f}').format(current*100)
progress = int(50*current)
status = '█' * progress + '-' * (50 - progress)
sys.stdout.write(' ↳ |{bar}| {percent}%\r'.format(bar=status, percent=percent))
Then register the above defined function progress_function
with the on_progress_callback
as follows:
yt_obj = YouTube(<<youtube_video_url>>, on_progress_callback = progress_function)
Rest of the code follows:
yt_obj.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4').get_highest_resolution().download(output_path='/home/myusername/Videos', filename='MyVideo')
Output looks like this:
↳ |██████████████████████████████████----------------| 68.4%
Have fun!!