import urllib.request
import re
search_keyword ="music"
search_song_url = urllib.request.urlopen("" + search_keyword)
video_ids = re.findall(r"watch\?v=(\S{11})",
url="" + video_ids[0]
From this code, I get the proper URL of youtube video but I want the full name of the video. I had tried so much but I unable to find the full name of the video.
Please help me to get the full name of the video.
You can use get the html of the url you just got. Then use lxml
to make it a lot easier.
import urllib.request
import re
import lxml
from lxml import etree
search_keyword ="music"
search_song_url = urllib.request.urlopen("" + search_keyword)
video_ids = re.findall(r"watch\?v=(\S{11})",
url = str("" + video_ids[0])
youtube = etree.HTML(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read())
video_title = youtube.xpath("/html/head/title")
print (video_title[0].text)
Works perfectly for me.