I have a long code, so I wrapped them with "foreach" to parallel multi-CPU. But looks like there is only 1 CPU core busy running.
Here is my code:
no_cores <- detectCores() - 2 # leave 2 core2 for the system
registerDoParallel(cores = no_cores)
ReadList <- read_excel("E:xxxx")
foreach(Index = 1:nrow(ReadList)) %do% {
# code body part is huge
write.table(D.results, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", paste(outputpath, "Daily_", List$Gid[Index], ".txt", sep="")) # I output result for each Index within the loop
Like @coletl said, you need to change %do%
to %dopar%
if you want foreach to run parallel.
no_cores <- detectCores() - 2 # leave 2 core2 for the system
registerDoParallel(cores = no_cores)
ReadList <- read_excel("E:xxxx")
foreach(Index = 1:nrow(ReadList)) %dopar% {
# code body part is huge
write.table(D.results, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", paste(outputpath, "Daily_", List$Gid[Index], ".txt", sep="")) # I output result for each Index within the loop