You maybe know that I am making a bot. I’m using the flask library to keep alive my bot and to pack a website, for my bot. I want to add a favicon (favicon.ico) in my website, but I’m unable. I searched a lot in the documentation, my it didn’t worked. After, I watched a few YouTube tutorials, but it didn’t worked to. I don’t have any error, but, in the console, I always see this when I reload the page, to try another code. Can you help me please? And yes, I didn’t put codes, because I tried a lot of them.
You should put your favicon.ico in the static folder. The static folder is where you should have all your css and your favicon. If you currently don't have a static folder, create a folder called static
in your flask app's root folder, and add this
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico') }}" />
to your html's head tag.
Make sure you import url_for from flask with this from flask import url_for
This should do what you expect to do.