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Oracle Segment Does Not Equal Extents?

For a given tablespace, why doesn't the sum of bytes in dba_extents equal the sum of bytes in dba_segments? (additional questions after sample script.)

SQL> with
  "SEG" as
    ( select 'segment_bytes' what
             , to_char(sum(bytes), '9,999,999,999,999') bytes
        from dba_segments
       where tablespace_name = 'MYDATA'
  , "EXT" as
    ( select 'extent_bytes' what
             , to_char(sum(bytes), '9,999,999,999,999') bytes
        from dba_extents
       where tablespace_name = 'MYDATA'
  , "FS" as
    ( select tablespace_name
             , sum(bytes) free_bytes
        from dba_free_space
       where tablespace_name = 'MYDATA'
       group by tablespace_name
  "DF" as
    ( select tablespace_name
             , sum(bytes) alloc_bytes
             , sum(user_bytes) user_bytes
        from dba_data_files
       where tablespace_name = 'MYDATA'
       group by tablespace_name
  select what, bytes from SEG
  union all select 'datafile_bytes-freespace' what
                   , to_char(alloc_bytes - nvl(free_bytes, 0), '9,999,999,999,999') used_file_bytes
              from DF
                  left join FS
                         on DF.tablespace_name = FS.tablespace_name
  union all select 'datafile_userbytes-freespace' what
                   , to_char(user_bytes - nvl(free_bytes, 0), '9,999,999,999,999') used_user_bytes
             from DF
                  left join FS
                         on DF.tablespace_name = FS.tablespace_name
  union all select what, bytes from EXT
WHAT                         BYTES            
---------------------------- ------------------
segment_bytes                 2,150,514,819,072
datafile_bytes-freespace      2,150,528,540,672
datafile_userbytes-freespace  2,150,412,845,056
extent_bytes                  2,150,412,845,056

4 rows selected.

I would have expected segment_bytes to equal either extent_bytes or datafile_bytes-freespace, but it falls somewhere in between.

Is segment_bytes more than extent_bytes due to segment "overhead" (keeping track of all of the extents)?

If so, then is it also true that this segment "overhead" is part of the datafile "overhead"?

Oracle 19.1 Enterprise Edition. Thanks in advance.


  • For example, the difference between dba_segments and dba_extents might be in the objects from recyclebin: please look at the results from my test database:

     seg as (
        select segment_name,sum(bytes) b1 
        from dba_segments 
        group by segment_name
    ,ext as (
        select segment_name,sum(bytes) b2 
        from dba_extents 
        group by segment_name
       seg.segment_name seg1
      ,ext.segment_name seg2
    from seg full outer join ext on seg.segment_name=ext.segment_name
    where lnnvl(b1=b2)
    order by 1,2;


    SEG1                           SEG2                                   B1         B2
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
    BIN$xi7yNJwFcIrgUwIAFaxDaA==$0                                     65536
    BIN$xi7yNJwGcIrgUwIAFaxDaA==$0                                     65536
    _SYSSMU10_2262159254$          _SYSSMU10_2262159254$                   0    4325376
    _SYSSMU1_3588498444$           _SYSSMU1_3588498444$                    0    3276800
    _SYSSMU2_2971032042$           _SYSSMU2_2971032042$                    0    2228224
    _SYSSMU3_3657342154$           _SYSSMU3_3657342154$                    0    2228224
    _SYSSMU4_811969446$            _SYSSMU4_811969446$                     0    2293760
    _SYSSMU5_3018429039$           _SYSSMU5_3018429039$                    0    3276800
    _SYSSMU6_442110264$            _SYSSMU6_442110264$                     0    2228224
    _SYSSMU7_2728255665$           _SYSSMU7_2728255665$                    0    2097152
    _SYSSMU8_801938064$            _SYSSMU8_801938064$                     0    2228224
    _SYSSMU9_647420285$            _SYSSMU9_647420285$                     0    3276800
    12 rows selected.

    As you can see first 2 rows are objects from recyclebin, so you can run the same query and check if your objects are in recyclebin too. They are not visible in dba_extents, because they filtered out by segment_flag:

    select text_vc from dba_views where view_name='DBA_EXTENTS';
    select ds.owner, ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type,
           e.ext#, f.file#, e.block#, e.length * ds.blocksize, e.length, e.file#
    from sys.uet$ e, sys.sys_dba_segs ds, sys.file$ f
    where e.segfile# = ds.relative_fno
      and e.segblock# = ds.header_block
      and e.ts# = ds.tablespace_id
      and e.ts# = f.ts#
      and e.file# = f.relfile#
      and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 1) = 0
      and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0
    union all
           ds.owner, ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type,
           e.ktfbueextno, f.file#, e.ktfbuebno,
           e.ktfbueblks * ds.blocksize, e.ktfbueblks, e.ktfbuefno
    from sys.sys_dba_segs ds, sys.x$ktfbue e, sys.file$ f
    where e.ktfbuesegfno = ds.relative_fno
      and e.ktfbuesegbno = ds.header_block
      and e.ktfbuesegtsn = ds.tablespace_id
      and ds.tablespace_id = f.ts#
      and e.ktfbuefno = f.relfile#
      and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags, 0), 1) = 1
      and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0;

    So if we comment out those predicates (bitand(NVL(segment_flags,0)....) and check our difference (BIN$... and _SYSSMU... objects), we will find which predicates filter them out:

    as (
    select ds.owner, ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type,
           e.ext#, f.file#, e.block#, e.length * ds.blocksize, e.length, e.file#
    from sys.uet$ e, sys.sys_dba_segs ds, sys.file$ f
    where e.segfile# = ds.relative_fno
      and e.segblock# = ds.header_block
      and e.ts# = ds.tablespace_id
      and e.ts# = f.ts#
      and e.file# = f.relfile#
    --  and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 1) = 0
    --  and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0
    union all
           ds.owner, ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type,
           e.ktfbueextno, f.file#, e.ktfbuebno,
           e.ktfbueblks * ds.blocksize, e.ktfbueblks, e.ktfbuefno
    from sys.sys_dba_segs ds, sys.x$ktfbue e, sys.file$ f
    where e.ktfbuesegfno = ds.relative_fno
      and e.ktfbuesegbno = ds.header_block
      and e.ktfbuesegtsn = ds.tablespace_id
      and ds.tablespace_id = f.ts#
      and e.ktfbuefno = f.relfile#
    --  and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags, 0), 1) = 1
    --  and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0
      ,bitand(NVL(segment_flags, 0), 1) as predicate_1
      ,bitand(NVL(segment_flags,0), 65536) as predicate_2
      ,case when bitand(NVL(segment_flags,0), 1) = 0     then 'y' else 'n' end pred_1_res
      ,case when bitand(NVL(segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0 then 'y' else 'n' end pred_2_res
    from my_dba_extents e
    where e.segment_name like 'BIN%'
       or e.segment_name like '_SYSSMU%';
    ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- -------------- --------------
    _SYSSMU1_3588498444$                     1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU1_3588498444$                     1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU1_3588498444$                     1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU1_3588498444$                     1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU1_3588498444$                     1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU2_2971032042$                     1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU2_2971032042$                     1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU10_2262159254$                    1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU10_2262159254$                    1           0 n              y
    _SYSSMU10_2262159254$                    1           0 n              y
    BIN$xi7yNJwGcIrgUwIAFaxDaA==$0           1       65536 n              n
    BIN$xi7yNJwFcIrgUwIAFaxDaA==$0           1       65536 n              n

    Re "datafile_bytes-freespace": Don't forget that each datafile has own header, so nor dba_segments, nor dba_extents should not count it.

    PS. Other 10 rows are undo segments, but that is not your case since your query checks just your MYDATA tablespace, not UNDO.