I'm getting an error for this line of Swift code in my XCode playground:
print(String(format: "%.2f", 3.345))
The error reads
No exact matches in call to initializer
I believe this means that I haven't used the right parameter names/order to call the initializer. However, when running this line of code while working on an iOS app or even in the online Swift playground http://online.swiftplayground.run/, the line runs without any issues.
When running it in the XCode playground or on my terminal through the Swift REPL however, it throws an error.
Why is this the case?
Foundation has to be imported before using String. String is a Foundation type in swift.
I was corrected by Matt below in the comments. String is built into swift and String(format: is in foundation. I guess that's why the docs didn't show it as such. Thank you for the correction.