I created a table using plotly, which contains mixed types of values eg, text, number and percentage. Table which I created look like this:
as you can see some of the numbers has very large decimal places or some numbers (like PLF column) are not in percentage form. How can I specify the format for these numbers in plotly? my attempt:
import plotly.graph_objs as go
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Table(header=dict(values=['<b>Source</b>', '<b>Installed Capacity (MW)</b>',
'<b>Optimum Capacities(MW)</b>', '<b>Generation Units (MWh)</b>',
'<b>PLF (%)</b>', '<b>Generation Share (%)</b>',
'<b>Annual Generation (MU)</b>']),
cells=dict(values=[list(installCapacities.keys()), list(installCapacities.values()),
list(optimumCapacities.values()), list(generationUnits.values()),
list(plf.values()), list(generationShare.values()),
align='center', format=['text', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'percentage',
'percentage', 'number']))
values are from different dictionaries and their calculation is very complex that's why I didn't mentioned that here, I just want to how can I specify their data type like text
, number
or percentage
According to the documentation, you specify the format in D3 3.x API.. For example, the string .2%
would format your number as a percentage with two digits after the decimal.
Here is an example:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Table(
align="center", format=[".2%","g",""]))]