I have this MATLAB code:
clear all;
A=[1 0 3;4 3 0;5 10 3];
I want find the minimum element of matrix and their indices (row and column). Manually, we know the minimum element are 0, with indices (1,2) and (2,3). Now with code above I can't produce the indices (1,2) and (2,3). Anyone know how to find 2 or more indices (row and column) of minimum element of a matrix?
You can use find():
[rows, columns] = find(A == min(min(A)));
Furthermore, you can also specify how many matches to find:
Nmatches = 1;
[rows, columns] = find(A == min(min(A)), Nmatches);
For completeness, you can also specify which matches to find, as in the first or last N matches, by using the 'first' or 'last' flag.