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DefaultCredentialsError raised saying 'File not found'

I am a beginner trying to perform some Speech-to-Text as an experiment. I am new to Google Cloud API, and I am getting stuck at the Credential Authentication.

I have used this code to try to transcribe a 20 min long audio file to text. I am using Google Colaboratory for this.

My code is simply the imports, a code block for adding the JSON file to the env path, the function in the link, and a code block executing the function with the file path to the .wav file. I haven't edited the code, just copied it and used the same type of audio file they use (.wav).

I have followed the instructions here to get the JSON file for authorization.

To set an environment variable for GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS I inserted a code block before the function like so:

import os
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"]='folder_path\\My First Project-##########.json'

This raised no errors so I assume that the credentials are added to the path. However, when I execute the function like so:


I get the error:

DefaultCredentialsError: File folder_path\\My First Project-##########.json was not found.

From the same 'Getting started with Authentication' link I have shared above, there is a function implicit() given to test whether the authentication is done correctly. I defined the function and ran it, and I got the same error. What exactly am I doing wrong? I also ran set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=folder_path\\My First Project-##########.json in cmd as the instructions say. It didn't return any error there either. So why does it say the file is not found?

I have re-checked multiple times, there isn't an issue with the filepath, I have simply copied it and added double backslashes (this was due to the error SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape)


  • I solved that problem setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS directly in the project folder and removing the quotes of the PATH, just run this on your prompt

    set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=C:\Users\yourUser\credentials-file.json

    without any quotes