$ gnome-shell --version
GNOME Shell 40.2
I'm trying to open extension prefs in gjs-console.
I found a way how to open prefs with dbus-send
dbus-send --session --print-reply --reply-timeout=2000 --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.Shell.Extensions /org/gnome/Shell/Extensions org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.LaunchExtensionPrefs string:'text-translator'
But I stuck with gjs
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
dbus = Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, null, "org.gnome.Shell", "/org/gnome/Shell/Extensions", "org.gnome.Shell.Extensions", null);
dbus.call_sync("LaunchExtensionPrefs", new GLib.Variant("(s)", [ "text-translator" ]), 0, -1, null);
But got this error:
typein:4:6 uncaught exception: Object
Аnd I have no idea how to debug this.
My problem is to open my extension prefs from inside my extension. I'd be open to any help if there is any other way to do this.
My problem is to open my extension prefs from inside my extension.
You can open it directly:
Main.extensionManager.openExtensionPrefs('your-extension-uuid', '', {});