I have a file with .npz extension. How can I determine its shape. I loaded it on colab with this code
import numpy as np
I am unable to determine its shape
Generating Sample .npz
import numpy as np
import zipfile
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.sin(x)
np.savez("out.npz", x, y)
def npz_headers(npz):
Takes a path to an .npz file, which is a Zip archive of .npy files.
Generates a sequence of (name, shape, np.dtype).
with zipfile.ZipFile(npz) as archive:
for name in archive.namelist():
if not name.endswith('.npy'):
npy = archive.open(name)
version = np.lib.format.read_magic(npy)
shape, fortran, dtype = np.lib.format._read_array_header(npy, version)
yield name[:-4], shape, dtype
Calling the above function, it returns the below output
[('arr_0', (10,), dtype('int64')), ('arr_1', (10,), dtype('float64'))]