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Url redirect ajax call quotes within quotes

I'm populating a list from an ajax call including a button that will have a unique id assigned to it to redirect to a page.

The problem I'm having is that there is so many quotations in it that it's not reading properly

  row.append("<td><button onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("UserForm\\{" + user[i].id +"", "Request")'" >Edit</button</td>);

I've tried a few different variations of the quotation marks but having no luck.

Please help.


I've got it to work for the general redirect but without the unique id by changing quotes to back ticks:

row.append(`<input type="button" value="Edit" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("UserForm",  "Request")'" />`);

I'm still however needing to add on /{user[i].id} after UserForm. Having no luck adding a variable into it without causing syntax issues.

userform source code:

public class NewUserController : Controller
        [CustomAuthorize(Roles = UserRole.Any)]
        public ActionResult ManagerNewUserForm()
            return View("~/Views/Request/UserForm.cshtml");


  • Fixed it.

    So I was mixing html and cshtml up.

    the solution that worked:

     row.append("<a class='btn btn-default' href='" + '@Url.Action("UserForm", "Request")' + user[i].Id + "'>Edit</a>");