Our company website (ASP.Net 3.5) uses SSL to secure the checkout pages. Users are getting the "Only secure content is displayed" message at the bottom of IE. Many of them freak out and abandon their cart and we loose a sale. The secure contect is in a subfolder and IIS7 is configured to require SSL on that subfolder. I used the IE dev toolbar to try to see what causes this and get the following:
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by http://www.myCompany.com/WebResource.axd?d=dJde0NlmEkubWa-RO0uUtg2&t=633833944103732959
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by http://www.myCompany.com/ScriptResource.axd?d=-4ipYW6oMR5JKr02ccZdGEkLMeXnvSWAqFrG98oQ5--7NMeKPsjwSVXJeHzqvzhsd1bLH85MgJQdnNYNUNH1gAXPGD9gbk2fwYnJI-0eaw41&t=ffffffffa6437166
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by http://www.myCompany.com/ScriptResource.axd?d=-4ipYW6oMR5JKr02ccZdGEkLMeXnvSWAqFrG98oQ5--7NMeKPsjwSVXJeHzqvzhsvkt8QvjGkHw2IYbLkF5RHr1t21TH0EEkLDcUGVpdxdE1&t=ffffffffa6437166
We also had a bunch of offending javascript files but worked around those by copying them into the secure directory. That made Chrome and Firefox happy but we still get the message with IE.
How can I stop the popup and keep from scaring my customers away?
We ended up using SecuritySwitch http://code.google.com/p/securityswitch/wiki/GettingStarted, which works perfectly.