In a chart created in flask application. I have to loop through a dictionary as well as a list. I have this as of now.
points: [
{% for key, value in Top10.items() %}
{% for color in colors%}
{ x: "{{key}}", y: {{ value }}, fill = "{{ color }}" }, //"" as it is a string
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Top 10 = {"a":10,"b":15,"c":5,"d":8,"e":4,..} and Colors = ["blue", "black", "red"...]
Current output : { x: "a", y: 10, fill = "blue" }, { x: "a", y: 10, fill = "black" }, ....
Expected output for the loop is : { x: "a", y: 10, fill = "blue" }, { x: "b", y: 15, fill = "black" },....
Based on your expected output, you dont really want to have nested for loop of colours within Top10 items. It seems you want a one to one map of Top10 items to colours. If that's the case, @Sefan has given some clue in the answer. Here i can give you the full example in Flask and Jinja way.
In your view, let's say
, you can zip your two data object as below:
def breakloop():
Top10 = {"a":10,"b":15,"c":5,"d":8,"e":4}
colors = ["blue", "black", "red"]
return render_template('breakloop.html', zipped=zip(Top10.items(), colors))
In your template, let's say breakloop.html
{% for (key, value), color in zipped %}
{ x: "{{key}}", y: {{ value }}, fill = "{{ color }}" }, </br>
{% endfor %}
{ x: "a", y: 10, fill = "blue" },
{ x: "b", y: 15, fill = "black" },
{ x: "c", y: 5, fill = "red" },