I have GZIP zipped csv files getting uploaded in cloud storage through third party. I am using apache beam continuous streaming pipeline to read zipped files metadata(file name , full path).I have one more requirement to read first line and last line of this csv files. I am using following codes to get all zipped file that is being added to cloud storage bucket folder.
pipeline.apply("MatchFile(s)", FileIO.match()
.continuously(Duration.standardMinutes(1), Watch.Growth.never()))
.apply("Get Compressed File(s)", ParDo.of(new GetCompressedFile()));
static class GetCompressedFile extends DoFn<MatchResult.Metadata, Void> {
public void processElement(ProcessContext context) throws ParseException {
ResourceId inputFile = context.element().resourceId();
String fileName = inputFile.getFilename();
String currentDirectoryPath = inputFile.getCurrentDirectory().toString();
I am able to get zipped file name and path but I am not able to read csv files without extracting it. I tried some google answer to read zipped file but that is not reading from cloud storage.
I am able to read zipped file by using following codes without extracting it. May be it will help somebody.
pipeline.apply("MatchFile(s)", FileIO.match()
.continuously(Duration.standardMinutes(1), Watch.Growth.never()))
.apply("Read Files",ParDo.of(new ReadFilesGZIP()));
static class ReadsFilesGZIP extends DoFn<FileIO.ReadableFile,String>{
public void processElement(ProcessContext context){
FileIO.ReadableFile file = context.element();
ReadableByteChannel readableByteChannel = file.getCompression().readDecompressed(FileSystems.open(file.getMetadata().resourceId()));
try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Channels.newInputStream(readableByteChannel)))) {
String line;
Stream<String> fileLines = r.lines();