Values Id's
1 120
1 120
0 120
0 120
0 120
Not applicable 120
Not applicable 120
Empty 120
I wanted to select the count of values 1 into different variable and count of 0 into different variable with the single select statement. Is it possible ?
Possible? Sure, here's one option. Sample data in lines #1 - 10; query you might use begins at line #11.
SQL> with test (value, id) as
2 (select 'n/a' , 120 from dual union all
3 select 'n/a' , 120 from dual union all
4 select 'empty', 120 from dual union all
5 select '1' , 120 from dual union all
6 select '1' , 120 from dual union all
7 select '0' , 120 from dual union all
8 select '0' , 120 from dual union all
9 select '0' , 120 from dual
10 )
11 select sum(case when value = '1' then 1 else 0 end) cnt_1,
12 sum(case when value = '0' then 1 else 0 end) cnt_0
13 from test;
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2 3