I am implementing drag and drop for a UWP application and all is working well, except for the Font on the DragUI caption.
I have DragUIOverride.IsCaptionVisible = True and DragUIOverride.Caption = "My Text String",
but does anyone know how to change the font? My application uses a unique font and the system font stick out like a sore thumb.
(On a similar vein, I had the same issue with ToolTips, but figured out how to set a new style for ToolTip in <Application.Resources>, but I cant seem to find anything (i.e. a TargetType) for the DragUI text.)
Any help appreciated.
Can the Font for a UWP Drag and Drop (DragUI) caption be changed?
I'm afraid, you can't change the font style for DragUIOverride.Caption
, currently, there is not such api to change Caption
font, it was manage by the system. And you could post your requirement with windows feed back hub.
And we have a workaround that use SetContentFromBitmapImage
method insert text image to replace DragUIOverride.Caption
. For more please refer XamlDragAndDrop code sample