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XSLT region-body with multiple columns, force block to start on a new column

I am using XSLT to create templates for generating PDF. I am wanting my landscape page split into three columns, which I do using:

     <fo:simple-page-master master-name="page" page-height="210mm" page-width="297mm"
     margin="5mm 25mm 5mm 25mm">
     <fo:region-body column-count="3" margin="30mm 0mm 30mm 0mm"/>

In one of my templates, I have a for-each function to write a block. When I generate my pdf, this works and my data is spread over the multiple columns. However due to the nature of my blocks, looks a mess.

Is there a way that every 'for-each' section coud start on a new column? I cannot find any way to do this.


  • Use break-before="column" (see on the first block. Something like:

      <xsl:if test="position() = 1">
        <xsl:attribute name="break-before">column</xsl:attribute>