I have the following problem in MS ACCESS:
Using VBA, a PDF-file is stored in the OneDrive folder and synchronized with Sharepoint. As known, OneDrive is declared as a kind of another drive on all computers in the same way.
After saving, the file is located on computer01 in the folder:
C:\Users\User01\OneDrive - AllFolders\SharedFolder\AllDocs\Doc01.pdf =>( \USER01 )
Now user02 on computer02 who is also connected to the folder wants to open the file via VBA. The path of the file in the shared table field is accordingly:
C:\Users\User01\OneDrive - AllFolders\SharedFolder\AllDocs\Doc01.pdf
Of course User02 can't open the file via VBA, because the path should be:
C:\Users\User02\OneDrive - AllFolders\SharedFolder\AllDocs\Doc01.pdf =>( \USER02 )
For example I tried to use such a path to save the file (this is not the correct Syntax!):
(Environ("USERPROFILE")) & "\OneDrive - AllFolders\SharedFolder\AllDocs\Doc01.pdf
but (Environ("USERPROFILE")) as table.field.value is of course understood as string and not as variable!
How can this problem be solved? Thanks!
my Code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public OneDriveDirectory As String
Public Function SetPathToOneDrive() As String
SetPathToOneDrive = (Environ("USERPROFILE")) & "\OneDrive - AllFolders\SharedFolder\AllDocs\"
End Function
Sub SaveDoc()
Dim xSource As String, xDestination As String, xFilename As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
OneDriveDirectory = SetPathToOneDrive
xFilename = "Doc01.pdf"
xSource = (Environ("USERPROFILE")) & "\" & xFilename
xDestination = OneDriveDirectory & xFilename
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblDocLinks", dbOpenDynaset)
Set FSO = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call FSO.CopyFile(xSource, xDestination)
With rs
.Fields("fldDocPath") = xDestination
End With
End Sub
SetPathToOneDrive = Environ$("%UserProfile%") & "\OneDrive - All Folders\SharedFolder\AllDocs\"
you should get the correct path.
Are you sure the path is correct? The default would be something like C:\Users\username\OneDrive\...
Depending on the environment it's probably not a good idea to store absolute filepaths in the database. I tend to save only the filename and build the path together in VBA, often using values grabbed from a config-table or -file.