I want to load whole .properties file from GCP Secret Manager to my Spring Boot application.
Secret is "mounted as volume" in Cloud Run (whole .properties file, in path /secrets/secret.properties
), but I cannot manage to load it to Spring Boot using spring.config.import
I was trying:
but nothing works. Values are not visible in Spring Boot application.
(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'x' in value "${x}"
When putting file on resource classpath, everything works.
Here the set up that I have tested and which works (don't forget to grant the correct permissions)
JIB configuration
My Cloud Run deployment
gcloud beta run deploy --image=gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/springboot \
--region=us-central1 --allow-unauthenticated --platform=managed \
--set-secrets=/secret/my.properties=projects/<PROJECT_Number>/secrets/springboot:1 \