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Assign TicTacToe player position to a bitboard representation

I have 2 separate boards for 2 players: X and O. Now I'd like to make sure if an entered position (int x, int y) is valid but I've got no idea of how should I convert it to bitboard representation and compare it with given board states and it's doing me head in. Also wrote a helper function to see the board states bin(). And is there a way to merge the X and O boards into one or should I keep the separate all board to check the game state?

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

bool xmove = true;
const int win[] = { 0b111000000,
                    0b001010100 };

struct Board {
  int b = 0b000000000;

int iswin(int x) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    if (win[i] == x) return 1;
  return 0;

void bin(int x){
  cout << "0b" + bitset<9>(x).to_string() << endl;

int main() {
  Board x, o, all;
  x.b |= 0b000000111;
  o.b |= 0b000111000;
  all.b = x.b | o.b;
  cout << iswin(x.b);
  return 0;


  • Well you can treat your bitstring as a flattened 2d array. To convert a 2d index into a 1d one you can simply do

    x * width + y

    So to set the matching position in the board you can do

    int move = 1 << (x * 3 + y)

    since a TicTacToe board is 3 wide and 3 tall. You can then check if there already is an X or O at that position with

    if(x.b & move)
      std::cout << "there already is and x at(" << x << ", " << y << ")";

    To then add that position to the board if there is nothing there do

    x.b |= move

    Same thing for o.b. This is of course based on the assumption that your x and y start at 0.

    Concerning your question of whether or not you can merge the two board. How would you even do that? A bit can only be 0 or 1 so there is no way to differentiate between 3 different states (nothing, X, O).