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powershell script code to remove quotation marks doesn't remove them when running on task scheduler

I have a powershell script that exports to a csv and I inserted a line to remove the quotations. It works if I run the powershell manually, but the quotation marks remain if i run in task scheduler!! Why does this happen?

#Output RESULTS to CSV 
$DataSet.Tables[0] | select "ID" , "date" | Export-Csv  $OuputFile -NoTypeInformation
set-content data.csv ((get-content data.csv) -replace '"')


  • Allow me to give you an alternative to what you already have, instead of exporting to CSV and then reading from the CSV and removing all double-quotes " you can use ConvertTo-Csv:

    #Output RESULTS to CSV 
    ($DataSet.Tables[0] | Select-Object ID, Date |
    ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation) -replace '"' |
    Out-File C:\data.csv