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cURL Facebook API request argument list too long

I am using the Facebook Graph API to upload a list of users to a custom audience. In the documentation for this action, it says that I should be able to upload up to 10,000 users at a time. However, cURL prevents me from doing so with the format of my current command, and the documentation doesn't give any other options for formatting the request. Here is what I currently have:

            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
            --data-urlencode payload='{"schema": ["EMAIL_SHA256"],"data": ['$EMAIL_JSON']}' \
            -d "access_token=$API_KEY" \$AUDIENCE_ID/users

I tried adding the payload and access_token as a json formatted file, but the API denied that post method. The $EMAIL_JSON is the 10,000 long list of hashed emails. Here is the link to the documentation I have been using: Facebook Documentation.

Error ./ line 91: /bin/curl: cannot execute [Argument list too long] Any help would be amazing.


  • I have solved the issue by changing the content type and using a file named "tempJson" to store the data:

    curl -X $HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlen-coded' \
                --data-urlencode payload@tempJson \
                -d "access_token=$API_KEY" \

    As you can see, I used payload@tempJson to specify the parameter name, and the data contained within. I found this solution at this website that describes the cURL request and the options while using --data-urlencode. The data in the file looks exactly the same as the data that I was using in my question.